DTW 500mm Starter Length with Built in Increasing Adapter 6 - 7 Inch MB

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Dura Twin Wall (DTW) has been designed by Flue & Ducting Ltd with the installer in mind and is available for same day and next day delivery UK wide. We have 5, 6, 7 and 8" all in stock in all 3 depots in silver and our unique black finish which, we have been told by our customers is the best powder coated finish on the market.

Our easy to fit system is designed with extra strong adjustable wall brackets, extended and adjustable 135 T pieces and a range of starter pipes so there is no need for adapters plus aesthetically the system is the most visually pleasing in the UK (see our testimonials).

Technically DTW is also very advanced, we pride ourselves on its test results so not only is the system easy to fit and looks great - it's also going to work fantastically with your appliance and last a minimum of 30 years. Our 30 year warranty comes as standard on all of our DTW parts.

Key Features:
• 30mm mineral wool insulation;
• Core material austenitic stainless steel grade 1.4404 (AISI 316L);
• Highest temperature test of T600 nominal and T1000 maximum;
• 30 year warranty;
• CE marked;
• Bespoke parts made to order;
• G70 when in an enclosure and G50 when not enclosed;
• Quick clip locking bands.


Custom Fields
EN NUMBER: EXTERNAL:EN 1856-2 T600-N1-D-V2-L50050-G50
EN NUMBER: INTERNAL:EN 1856-2 T600-N1-D-V2-L50050-G70
INNER MATERIAL TYPE:Premium 316 grade Stainless Steel
OUTER MATERIAL TYPE:Premium 441 grade Stainless Steel
FUEL TYPE:Suitable for burning wood, smokeless fuel, oil and other Hetas approved fuels
TEMPERATURE TEST:Fire rated to T1000

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